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Affirmation card

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are positive messages that you consciously repeat to yourself. It is a powerful tool to use during the day to program your subconscious and can help you improve your everyday life. Affirmations can be used to pep yourself up, boost self-esteem and confidence.

How do I use affirmation cards?

There are many different ways to use affirmations and your affirmation cards. You can write them down and read them to yourself every morning and night, or you can say them out loud to yourself. It is important to choose affirmations that feel genuine to you and that really resonate with you. The more you repeat them, the stronger their effect on your mind and behavior becomes.

Where can I get my affirmation cards?

Place your affirmation cards where you will see them every day, for example on your desk at work, around your home, in your journal or on your vision board.